Hello and Welcome!

Red House Books is going through a bit of a update!

I've always had a pretty clear vision of what I wanted this space to be but I've been detoured from my path by...lots and lost of other people's opinions and ways of doing things...

I'm committed to this little chunk of the interweb but I've also branched out into other places so! Now it's time to think of Red House Books as more of a hub of all things me! And Me is a hell of a lot of book love!

Stay tuned!


Monday, January 16, 2012

2012 NetGalley Reading Challenge

I know I said I wasn't doing any reading challenges this year BUT starting one myself doesn't count, right? ;)

I've been hosting NetGalley Month Read-A-Thons, held every three months in January, April. July and October for a while now and I thought - What better way to accompany these events then a 


I'm a casual kind of gal so my 'rules' are very simple

1. Link up your blog below
Or wherever it is you post your NetGalley reviews
You can join any time!

2. Pick a level:
I tried to come up with cute names for each level but failed miserably 
So instead, each level gets a colored star :)

Blue Star - read 1-10 NetGalley Books in 2012
Green Star - read 11-20 NetGalley Books in 2012
Red Star - read 21-30 NetGalley Books in 2012
Gold Star - read 30+ NetGalley Books in 2012

3. Put my challenge button on your blog, if you want 
code is to the right in my sidebar

4. Read the Books :)

5. Come back every month to share some reviews and visit other blogs participating!
Every month I'll have a linky up where you can post your NetGalley reviews
Check back on this post for the review post link or check out my sidebar - I'll link them there as well :)

What do you guys think?
Who's in?

2012 NetGalley Reading Challenge

1. Emily @ Red House Books :)  46. Mrs Mommy Booknerd  
2. Brenna @ Esther's Ever After  47. Jess @ Jessy'sBookends  
3. Jenna @ Coffee, Books and Me  48. Kris (Words That Fly)  
4. Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl  49. Farah @ Broken Penguins  
5. Books Are Magic  50. Lisa (Lisa's World of Books)  
6. julie barrett  51. Wendy Newcomb  
7. Kate @ Ex Libris  52. Kai(Fiction State of Mind)  
8. Sara @ Reading All Year Long  53. Beth Duncan  
9. Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf  54. Sam @ The Little Munchkin Reader  
10. Jenn O.  55. Sharon the Librarian  
11. Audrey @ Bibliosaurus Text  56. Heidi @ Geo Librarian  
12. Marlene @ Reading Reality  57. Burgandy Ice @ Colorimetry  
13. margie @ bumbles and fairy-tales  58. Heather @ BookStacksOnDeck  
14. Andie @ From A to Z  59. Selina  
15. Kimberly @ Turning The Pages  60. Ana @ BookSpark  
16. Chrizette @ All the days of  61. Kristi-The Book Faery  
17. Lauren @ Violin in a Void  62. Christina @ A Reader of Fictions  
18. Starr K @ The Literati Press  63. Charlotte @ Bookworm Blogger  
19. Gina ~ Hott Books  64. Lauren @ Ravishing Reads  
20. Kerry/Medora @ Forging an Art  65. Meg @ A Bookish Affair  
21. A Muggle's Magical Book Blog  66. Psique @ Book Travels  
22. Stella @ Ex Libris  67. Natasha @ A Bit of Dash  
23. Brianne  68. Emily @ Falling For YA  
24. Molly@ReviewsByMolly  69. Sidne the Reading Socialite  
25. Vicki  70. Amanda  
26. Christy @ Love of Books  71. Kristilyn @ Reading In Winter  
27. Nicola @ A Pocket Full of Books  72. Best @ B's Book Blog!  
28. Alexa @ Alexa Loves Books  73. ReadingDiva's Blog  
29. Amodini @ ReviewRoom  74. karlaamae  
30. Remy @ Just Remy  75. Scarlett @ Books Before Bed  
31. Amyra Hastur @ Sognando Leggendo  76. DL@persnicketysoup  
32. Lisa @ Adventures of 2.0  77. Cathy  
33. Darlene @ Darlene's Book Nook  78. Vicki @ The Wolf's Den  
34. Benji @ The Non Reluctant Reader  79. Sara Kovach  
35. BarkLessWagMore @ Fetch Me My Fainting Couch  80. Cheli  
36. Audra @ Unabridged Chick  81. Mary Grace @ The Solitary Bookworm  
37. Kerry@musings of a bookworm  82. The Lateiner Gang Book Review Spot  
38. Charlotte's Web of Books  83. Michelle @ Concise Book Reviews  
39. Not Just Nonsense  84. Faye @ Ramblings of a Teenage Bookworm  
40. Aleetha @ It's All About Books  85. Alex in Leeds  
41. A Gluten Free Journey  86. Alessandra@Out of the Blue  
42. Reviewing Shelf  87. Megan @ Hardcover Feedback  
43. Luna B  88. Amie@Mom Reads My Books  
44. Louisa @ Words I Write Crazy  89. Faith @ Student Spyglass  
45. Anne @ Stuff & Nonsense II  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. I'm in but i'm not sure at what level. Last year with 2 eye surgeries and ongoing treatments i read/listened to 463 books, only 6 or so of them were from netgalley. i do read a lot of ARC's from other publishers. They send the book to me at home.

    Thanks for the contest,

  2. I'm in:) I need to keep challenging myself not to slack off on my NetGalley reviews!

  3. I think I'm going to go for the green star. Trying not to get in over my any reading challenges, but I don't want to be a slacker, either!

  4. This is a totally brilliant idea. And I'm going for the gold!

  5. So glad everyone is excited :)
    Thanks guys!

  6. I'm definitely in! This'll be great incentive for me to get my butt in gear and starting chipping away at my NetGalley TBR. :P I want to say I'm aiming for the Gold Star, but we'll see... :)

  7. I just started reading books from NG, I'm going for the blue star, but hoping to at least get in the green one!
    Thanks for hosting :)

  8. I am definitely in. I have too many NetGalley orphans and this is a great way to get at them. I will pick a level shortly. Thanks for hosting.

  9. Thanks for for great challenge - I'm definitely in! I'm going for the green star for now, but if I'm lucky this will be a particularly productive year and I'll be able to upgrade.

  10. I am definitely in. Of course I may have to cheat by using Netgalley month to reach my goal of the Green Star level. :)

  11. I have one question. Does the books read during January counts because trust me I've read a good number and since this challenge was posted now I'm just wondering.

    1. Yes! Any NetGalley book read in 2012 counts :)

  12. Just read and posted my first netgalley review. Where do I link up?

  13. I'm in!! I'm going for the gold!

  14. I'm in for the Green Star for now! Thanks so much!!!

  15. Thanks for hosting! This should be fun! Am signing up for the Green Star Level.

  16. I'm in! I'm hoping I'll have better success at the annual challenge, since I do rather poorly at the Read-A-Thons!!

    Thanks for hosting!

  17. Oh I am so in... I am going for gold.

    I have just written my round up post for January's read-a-thon and I will be grabbing the button to display very proudly.

    I think I will keep a running total under the button to make it easy to see my progress.

  18. I am glad I am not the only one that has Netgalley "orphans". I am going to go for for the Gold - 30!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Hopefully I get it right this time. Here's a linky to my January Netgalley read Promises by Marie Sexton

  21. I choose Green Star. I hope I can upgrade it :)

  22. I'm in! I have a ton of e-galleys to read this year. I plan on participating at the red star level.

  23. Hey everyone! Hi, Emily. Can I join as well? I really love reading challenges and hopefully I won't repeat the same books on a different challenge..:)

  24. hi, where do i post my Jan netgalley reviews, besides at their site?


  25. This is my first challenge! Where do I post the review?

    1. Nevermind...I figured it out :)

    2. I was just coming by to post the link :) Glad you found it. I put January's Review post on my sidebar and added it to the post above :)
      Thanks for joining!!

  26. Hello,
    I'll go for the Blue Star Level.

    Jess @ Jessy's Bookends

  27. I'm going for Gold. I really appreciate the opportunity to read ARCs through Net Galley!

  28. I am letting coming to the party, but I am in and going for the gold.

  29. Thanks for hosting! This is awesome! :D

  30. I'm signing up late :o] Darn it! LOL! I'm glad to be a part of this and you rock for putting this all together!

  31. Am I too late??? I'm gonna sign up so just let me know if I'm too late ...

  32. I always want to go for the most but I'm trying to rein myself in a little on this one. So, Gold star for me!! (I changed my mind last minute!)


  33. I really need to do this challenge. I'm going to go for the Gold Star level!!!

  34. I'm at 22 posts for NetGalley this year. It's tough to count how many I have read this year since I read them, write the review and wait for the scheduled time to post them. At this moment I have about 20 posts scheduled that the books have been read and the reviews written. I plan on getting through all the NetGalley books this month and then taking a break and read other books. I'm behind on other ARCs because NetGalley is so accessible.

  35. I have many many many NetGalley books to read and review so this challenge is perfect for me.

  36. I'm signing up late, so I hope that's okay! Can I use books from NetGalley I read in the last few months, too? Or only from now until the end of the year?

    I'm signing up for the GREEN STAR!

    Thanks for this! :)

    1. All NetGalley books read from Jan 1 - Dec 31 of this year can count towards your goal :)
      Thanks for joining in!

  37. I will join but I probably already finshed gold star dont know but I will go figure how many so far will do apr read too

    1. well 38 netgalley books and that only going through feb 4
      dont know how to grab your button.

  38. My updated post to include March:

    Love this challenge!

  39. I'm very late but I'll try a Blue star challenge!

  40. I am late to join, but what the heck, lets try it. I will do fist level, as I have not been able to get too many NetGalley books, 1 so far, but I only joined last month too. I am reading one now in fact. :) I am a new follower too, just fyi :)

  41. I am attempting the Blue Star. I just completed the first book, The Good Father by Diane Chamberlain. You can see my review at http://cathysreadinglist.blogspot.com.

    Happy Reading!!!!

  42. I managed to miss this challenge until now and have somehow reviewed 11 books via NetGalley already this year! I'll go for the Green Star and aim for 20. :)

  43. I am going for the Gold Star - read 30+ NetGalley Books in 2012. Thanks for hosting!

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