Hello and Welcome!

Red House Books is going through a bit of a update!

I've always had a pretty clear vision of what I wanted this space to be but I've been detoured from my path by...lots and lost of other people's opinions and ways of doing things...

I'm committed to this little chunk of the interweb but I've also branched out into other places so! Now it's time to think of Red House Books as more of a hub of all things me! And Me is a hell of a lot of book love!

Stay tuned!


Monday, January 30, 2012

Book Review: Audition by Stasia Ward Kehoe

***2011 Debut Author***
Reading Level: Young Adult
Publication Date: October 2011
Publisher: Viking Juvenile
Pages: 458
Series: no
Acquisition: received a copy for review

When high school junior Sara wins a coveted scholarship to study ballet, she must sacrifice everything for her new life as a professional dancer-in-training. Living in a strange city with a host family, she's deeply lonely-until she falls into the arms of Remington, a choreographer in his early twenties. At first, she loves being Rem's muse, but as she discovers a surprising passion for writing, she begins to question whether she's chosen the right path. Is Rem using her, or is it the other way around? And is dancing still her dream, or does she need something more? This debut novel in verse is as intense and romantic as it is eloquent. (from Goodreads)

I was: very, very happy I read it, even though contemporary tales usually aren't my thing.

My thoughts:
One of the first things that struck me about Audition is the fact that it is written in verse. One of the second things that struck me was the fact that, even if pages 3 - 458 were written in braille, I would have found a way to finish it. That's all it took - about 2 pages in and I knew I wouldn't be putting this book down any time soon.

I should probably stop saying that contemporary fiction really isn't my thing because time and time again, I have found myself really enjoying a non paranormal young adult book. Maybe my view of contemporary stories has been skewed by adult literature. Nay sayers be damned, I have yet to find a purely contemporary 'adult' book that I've liked more then the handful of YA contemps that I've read.

But I digress.

Audition is the story of a young girl trying to find her place in the world. She believes that studying ballet and moving away from everything she has ever known is the right thing to do. We, as readers find out that she is right but she is also very wrong. Audition is a journey with a lot of possible destinations. Not knowing now Sara's journey was going to end really brought life into the story for me.

Have to say, as much as I did enjoy the story. I wasn't too keen on some of the characters. Most notably Remington. I don't think I ever liked him. His relationship with Sara always felt a little wrong. Maybe it was the age difference, maybe it was because it was suppose to feel wrong. I'm not sure but, overall, he really didn’t' do anything for me.

Sara on the other hand was a character I felt fully attached to. Her world and her dreams are so removed from anything I have ever even thought about doing in my life but somehow I still felt a very strong connection to her. I cared about her as a person so that pretty much equals a really great read.

Final verdict:
A book I might not have picked up on my own. I will forever be grateful to Stasia for offering me a copy because now, not only do I have a fantastic new author on my radar, I have the satisfaction of carrying Sara's story around with me for quite some time.

Overall Rating:
4.5 / 5 Stars

Linkage Love:
Author's website

Saturday, January 28, 2012

In My Mailbox - January 28, 2012

In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren :)

Instead of not posting an IMM if I don't have the chance to film a vlog, I think I'll make vlogging the exception instead of the norm :)

I'm really making up for not buying a lot of books last month ;)

Bought from Books A Million
Angel Fire (Angel #2) by L.A. Weatherly
Why? I really loved book 1, Angel Burn and I'm curious to see how this story plays out. Gotta say though - this book is huge at 600+ pages!

Bitten (Dangerous Girls #1-2) by R.L. Stine
Why? I love R.L. Stine and I'm pretty sure I haven't read these already

Maximum Ride Manga Vol 5 by James Patterson
Why? I love manga and these series has really grown on me. Vols 1-4 were really good!

Soul Screamers Vol 1: My Soul To Lose #.5, My Soul To Take #1, My Soul to Save #2 by Rachel Vincent
Why? I didn't realise until I got this one home that it included the prequel, My Soul To lose - first time in print! I already have copies of books 1 and 2 but I love omnibus editions :)

The Secret of Ka by Christopher Pike
Why? I read this but didn't own it. The paperback cover, which I bought, is so much different from the hardcover but I still love it. Christopher Pike forever!

Everneath by Brodi Ashton
Why I've been hearing so many great things about this book for so long! It's Brodi's debut and if you don't follow her blog, you really need to because she is hilarious! Can't wait to read this one

For Review
Overbite (Insatiable #2) by Meg Cabot
Why? I'm almost done with Insatiable and while I'm not loving it I don't want give up on Meg just yet! A great deal smaller then book 1, I'm hoping I like book 2 just a little bit more

OMG this just came in the mail!

For Review
Perception (Clarity #2) by Kim Harrington ARC
Why? Loved loved loved book 1! Thank you so much Scholastic! This one is getting read asap :)

So, what's in your mailbox?

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Free e-Book Alert

11:15 The Making of a Halfling by Heather Burch
An illustrated novella prequel to the Halflings Trilogy

Also available from iBooks (find it by searching for the publisher, Zondervan)

Halflings, Heather's debut releases February 1st!

Book Review: Wonderstruck by Brian Selznick

Reading Level: Middle Grade
Publication Date: September 2011
Publisher: Scholastic
Illustrated by: Brian Selznick
Pages: 640
Series: no
Acquisition: BEA 2011

From Brian Selznick, the creator of the Caldecott Medal winner THE INVENTION OF HUGO CABRET, comes another breathtaking tour de force.
Playing with the form he created in his trailblazing debut novel, The Invention of Hugo Cabret, Brian Selznick once again sails into uncharted territory and takes readers on an awe-inspiring journey
Ben and Rose secretly wish their lives were different. Ben longs for the father he has never known. Rose dreams of a mysterious actress whose life she chronicles in a scrapbook. When Ben discovers a puzzling clue in his mother's room and Rose reads an enticing headline in the newspaper, both children set out alone on desperate quests to find what they are missing.
Set fifty years apart, these two independent stories--Ben's told in words, Rose's in pictures--weave back and forth with mesmerizing symmetry. How they unfold and ultimately intertwine will surprise you, challenge you, and leave you breathless with wonder. Rich, complex, affecting, and beautiful--with over 460 pages of original artwork--Wonderstruck is a stunning achievement from a uniquely gifted artist and visionary. (from Goodreads)

I was: captivated from page one and I was very sorry to see this book end.

My thoughts:
If you're browsing through a bookstore or library and you see Wonderstuck on shelf, you might be tempted to pass it by. It's a hefty looking tome. 600 + pages and a hardcover to boot! However, you should, under no circumstances, walk away from this book. I assure you, once you have it in your hands - once you see the very first page - you will not be putting it down. You won't have a choice. It's coming home with you and you're going to read it all in one sitting. I promise you!

Wonderstuck is a visually stunning book with a powerful story to back it up. Not that the illustrations need any back up! They can very easily stand on their own. There are 2 stories being told here - one with pictures and one with words. It isn't until the end that everything is brought together. Such a heartfelt story with so much emotion behind every picture and every word.

A fantastic journey of the senses! If you've read Brain's previous book, The Invention of Hugo Cabret, you should have a feel for what I'm talking about. (And if you haven't read it - do it now!). The same beauty exists within the pages of Wonderstruck. I found the same sense of awe and amazement and I loved it!

Final verdict:
Wonderstuck isn't a children's book or a young adult book it is simply a book. A book I would recommend to everyone as it should be read by everyone. I dare you to give it a try and not be affected.

Overall Rating:
5 / 5 Stars

Linkage Love:

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

NetGalley January - Link Up Your Reviews!

If you've signed up for my
it's time to share some reviews!

Haven't signed up yet?
No problem! You can still join in the fun.
Head over HERE and add your name to the list. Even if you only read 1 NetGalley book in 2012 it's worth it ;)

Now for the rules :)

1. Be sure you are signed up for either my 2012 NetGalley Reading Challenge or NetGalley January read-a-thon

2. Link up 1 of your NetGalley reviews below. Preferably one from January but you can choose any review from the last 4 months. The link "Name" should be the book title and author

3. Visit other links! Read reviews and leave thoughtful comments :)

4. For every review you visit and comment on, you can post another one of your reviews in the linky

5. You can post up to 5 of your own reviews (1 for 'free' and 4 others IF you visited and commented on 4 other reviews)

6. Please be honest and please leave actual thoughtful comments (the same type you yourself would like to receive)

I'll be doing this every month in 2012 so again, if you're a NetGalley member and haven't signed up for my 2012 NetGalley Challenge, now is your chance :)

To get us started, I've linked up a couple of my recent NetGalley reviews, if you're one of the first to visit, be sure to leave your link and check back later for others.

If you have any questions at all, please let me know either in the comments or via email :)

NetGalley January Reviews

1. The Golden Scales by Parker Bilal  40. Until There Was You by Kristan Higgins  
2. A Little Night Magic by Lucy March  41. Something New by Dianne Christner  
3. Halflings by Heather Burch  42. The Many Adventures of Pengey Penguin by J Burns  
4. The Near Witch by Victoria Schwab  43. The Wedding Gift by Kathleen McKenna  
5. On A Dark Wing by Jordan Dane  44. Popular Clone by M.E. Castle  
6. Flyaway by Helen Landalf  45. Peru in Images by Jim Bartle  
7. Cinder by Marissa Meyer  46. Girl on the Go by Jennifer Fosberry  
8. The Way We Fall by Megan Crewe  47. The Past Came Hunting by Donnell Ann Bell  
9. Enormity by W.G. Marshall  48. Only The Mountains Do Not Move by Jan Reynolds  
10. The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh  49. A Vampire for Christmas by Laurie London  
11. New Girl by Paige Harbison  50. Tempest by Julie Cross  
12. Enter, Night by Michael Rowe  51. Fracture by Megan Miranda  
13. Ragnarok by A.S. Byatt  52. Cinder by Marissa Meyer  
14. The Bro Magnet by Lauren Baratz-Logsted  53. On a Dark Wing by Jordan Dane  
15. Fatal Flaw by Marie Force  54. First Date by Krista McGee  
16. Cinder by Marissa Meyer  55. Stolen Away by Alyxandra Harvey  
17. An O'Brien Family Christmas by Sherryl Woods  56. Ditched: A Love Story by Robin Mellom  
18. Wish Upon A Star by Sarah Morgan  57. The Darlings in Love by Melissa Kantor  
19. Demon Lover by Juliet Dark  58. New Girl by Paige Harbison  
20. Temest by Julie Cross  59. Wanderlove by Kirsten Hubbard  
21. Stolen Away by Alyxandra Harvey  60. 150 Pounds by Kate Rockland  
22. New Girl by Paige Harbison  61. Everneath by Brodi Ashton  
23. Exclusively Yours by Shannon Stacey  62. Firelight by Kristen Callihan  
24. Pure by Julianna Baggott  63. Banshee Charmer by Tiffany Allee  
25. Hushed by Kelley York  64. The Guardian Duke by Jamie Carie  
26. Everneath by Brodi Ashton  65. A LIFE OF BRIGHT IDEAS by Sandra Kring  
27. The Whisperer by Donato Carrisi  66. Legacy/Allegiance by Cayla Kluver  
28. Undeniably Yours by Shannon Stacey  67. Goddess interrupted by Aimee Carter  
29. Every Other Day by Jennifer Lynn Barnes  68. Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi  
30. Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi  69. The Demon Lover by Juliet DArk  
31. God's Eye by AJ Scudiere  70. Legacy by Cayla Kluver  
32. The Hangman in the Mirror by Kate Cayley  71. Spellbound by Cara Lynn Shultz  
33. Revealing Eden by Victoria Foyt  72. Quiet by Susan Cain  
34. Promises by Marie Sexton  73. A Tryst with Trouble by Alyssa Everett  
35. Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews  74. Compulsively Mr. Darcy by Nina Benneton  
36. Getting Over Garrett Delaney by Abby McDonald  75. Goddess Intterupted by Aimee Carter  
37. Addison Blakely: Confessions of a PK by Betsy St. Amant  76. Spellcaster by Cara Lynn Shultz  
38. Spin by Catherine McKenzie  77. Stolen Away by Alyxandra Harvey  
39. Partials by Dan Wells  78. Sweat Shop Paris  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Can't wait to get my hands on...

Just in case anyone needs help filling up their wishlists and adding to their TBR piles, here's what I
Can't wait to get my hands on....

2012 is going to be the year of sequels for me as I read so many great book 1s (and book 2s) last year!

January 2012

February 2012

March 2012

March 2012

March 2012

What can't you wait to get your hands on?

Monday, January 23, 2012

Book Review: The Near Witch by Victoria Schwab

***2011 Debut Author***
Reading Level: Young Adult
Publication Date: August 2011
Publisher: Hyperion
Pages: 282
Series: no?
Acquisition: NetGalley

The Near Witch is only an old story told to frighten children.
If the wind calls at night, you must not listen. The wind is lonely, and always looking for company.
And there are no strangers in the town of Near.
These are the truths that Lexi has heard all her life.
But when an actual stranger—a boy who seems to fade like smoke—appears outside her home on the moor at night, she knows that at least one of these sayings is no longer true.
The next night, the children of Near start disappearing from their beds, and the mysterious boy falls under suspicion. Still, he insists on helping Lexi search for them. Something tells her she can trust him.
As the hunt for the children intensifies, so does Lexi’s need to know—about the witch that just might be more than a bedtime story, about the wind that seems to speak through the walls at night, and about the history of this nameless boy.
Part fairy tale, part love story, Victoria Schwab’s debut novel is entirely original yet achingly familiar: a song you heard long ago, a whisper carried by the wind, and a dream you won’t soon forget. (from Goodreads)

I was:...lost for words

My thoughts:
Love love love this book! <--- See those words? Those were the only words I managed to write directly after finishing The Near Witch. I was so overcome with how much I was enchanted by this story that I literally could not type any other words!

After composing myself, I really hope I can do this book justice because it really was one of my favorite reads of 2011. It fits into a couple of different categories, for me at least.

It's a fantasy - not quite sure where or when the people in this story exist but at the same time, it doesn't matter. What happens to them and what they do about it - that matters.

It's also, at least for the time being, a stand alone novel. If Victoria ever does write more about Lexi and her world I'm sure to read it - but - not for the sake of the story. I'll be reading it because I want more - crave it in fact!

It's also a love story. A truly sweet and heartwarming and love-as-it-should-be, love story. There really shouldn't be any other type in my opinion.

Final verdict:
The Near Witch is a book I wouldn't hesitate to recommend to just about everyone I know that likes to read. Even if you don't love fantasy - you'll probably love The Near Witch. Even if (you think ;) YA really isn't your thing - you'll love this story. It's the perfect package!

Overall Rating:
5 / 5 Stars

Linkage Love:
Author's website

Saturday, January 21, 2012

In My Mailbox - January 21, 2012

In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren :)

No IMM last week because...wow, I can't remember why...and no vlog this week because I'm lazy! Ha!

Got tons of great books though!

Bought - all from my local Indie bookstore - love that place!
Phoenix (Beautiful Dead #4) by Eden Maguire
Why? I loved the first 3 books and as this is the last I really want to know how it all ends

By These Ten Bones by Clare B. Dunkle
Why? I really enjoyed Dunkle's The House Of Dead Maids and wanted to check out more of her writing

Away (The Line #2) by Teri Hall
Why? The Line was a book I wished I hadn't read early (I was on a blog tour). As soon as I finished it, knowing it would be more then a year before book 2 was out was killer! I cannot wait to get started on this one!

Death Sentence (Escape From Furnace #3) by Alexander Gordon Smith
Why? One of the best horror / dsytopian / thriller series I have ever read. I'm hoping Gordon keeps the suspense going.

Under The Never Sky by Veronica Rossi
Why? 2012 Debut Author and I've heard a lot of good things so far

Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld
Why? I have a hard copy of book 2...and the audio of book 3...and it was on sale :)

A Million Suns (Across The Universe #2) by Beth Revis
Why? Because OMG I loved Across The Universe! I started reading this waiting on line to pay for it today - so far, it's awesome!

Out of Oz (The Wicked Years #4) by Gregory Maguire
Why? I have, but haven't read book 3, but I love this series and I'm pretty sure this is the last installment

Won from dreamonus.com
Altar of Bones by Philip Carter
Why? The type of book I could pass around to my book loving family members. Also, I don't read nearly as many adult mystery / thrillers as I would like

For Review
Vamplayers by Rusy Fischer ARC
Why? Sounds interesting and as much as might say I'm done with vampire stories...I really do love them!

Why? I've already read this but didn't own a copy. Loved it!

Corsets and Clockwork: 14 Steampunk Romances edited by Trisha Telep
Why? While I'm aware of the issues surrounding Trisha, I still wanted to give this one a try since there are a bunch of great authors in this book who I love! I wouldn't have bought the book at this time but I felt ok swapping for it.

Until The End (Final Friends 1-3) by Christopher Pike
Why? Because it's Christopher freaken Pike - in omnibus form! Yes I've read (and own) the 3 Final Friends books...but...it's Christopher Pike - you can never have to many!

"Bought" from Kristi at The Story Siren (proceeds are being donated)
The Vampire Diaries Stephan's Diaries Vol 5 The Asylum by L.J. Smith
Why? Because I like books with ridiculously long titles - jk! I read the original Vampire Diaries way back when they were first released. I liked the first 2 Stephan's Diaries and would like to continue with this series 'written' by Smith

Tighter by Adele Griffin
Why? I've enjoyed everything by Griffin I have read in the past and this one as been on my wishlist for a while

Slice of Cherry by Dia Reeves
Why? Because wow! Reeves sure knows how to write outside of the box. I loved loved loved Bleeding Violet and Slice of Cherry takes place in the same f**ked up world. Can't wait to get started!

So, what's in your mailbox?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

NetGalley January Twitter Chat Questions and Answers

Another huge thank you to everyone who attended last night's NetGalley Twitter chat! And to the lurkers as well ;)

Judging from the questions, I'm thinking it was our biggest one to date.

Since there were a lot, I'm not going to bore you with a bunch of preamble (too late?) EXCEPT to ask any NetGalley fans reading this to consider joining my 2012 NetGalley Reading Challenge :)

Click the link above or on my sidebar to the right ----->

...ok....I'm done....for now! Mwahahahahah!

ok really...here is the transcript :)

All answers were given by Lindsey from NetGalley and both questions and answers have been summarized and / or expanded on for clarity.

Q: What is the 'quick' answer for how we are approved and how we should get started on NetGalley?
A: For approval guidelines, see HERE.

Q: What is the best way to deal with having the same title in your request queue twice?
A: If you have a duplicate, you can archive one.

Q: Can publishers see how many titles we have archived? How about the number we have reviewed verses what we have requested?
A: Publishers cannot see how many titles you have archived but they do see how many you've been approved / declined for across all publishers. They can also see how many reviews you've sent to all publishers.

Q: Will anyone from NetGalley be at ALA Mid Winter this year?
A: Yes, Community Concierge Kristina will be there. Check out Follow The Reader for more info.

Q: Is there anything that users can do when an e-galley is formatted badly or is unreadable?
A: You can email NetGalley, support[at]netgalley[dot]com if formatting is really bad and they can pass the information along to the publisher.

Q: Any special guidance for reading on a Kindle? Sometimes the formatting is way off.
A: Galley formats are either pdf or epub as publishers don't have mobi/Kindle formats available at the galley stage. Amazon converts to their proprietary format and that is why Kindle galley formatting is sometimes off.

Q: If / when I decline a review, is there way to let the publisher know why?
A: You can use the EMAIL PUBLISHER button to tell them why you declined on the review.

Q: Where do reviews go once we have entered them?
A: When you use the pencil icon to send your review in NetGalley, it goes directly to the publisher via an email in their account.

Q: If you're behind, is it better to still submit a review if a title's been out for a few months?
A: YES! It's always worth it as publishers want to know that you read the book.

Q: Can you still post your review after the publisher has archived the title?
A: Yes! You can still go to MY REVIEWS and click the pencil icon.

Q: Is there an app for iPads?
A: Yes, it's called Bluefire. See instructions HERE.

Q: Can I use my Nook to read galleys? What if I'm having problems?
A: Yes, you can use your Nook. Trouble shooting is HERE or email NetGalley support for help.

Q: What is the "Review Complete-Editorial Pass" and the "Community" section at the bottom of our account page?
A: You can ignore these as they don't mean anything :)

Q: What does archiving actually do? When are we suppose to do it?
A: Archiving titles is just for your organization needs. You can archive when you don't what to see a title in your list anymore.

Q: Does archiving your review delete it on the publisher's end?
A: No. Archiving does not affect publishers. They get your review via email as soon as you send it.

Q: Is there a place in our account where we can see what publishers have auto approved us?
A: You will get an email as soon as a publisher auto approves you - keep these emails! There isn't currently a list in your account that you can see but NetGalley is hoping to change this in the future.

Q: Why did a publisher archive a title right after they approved me for it?
A: Sometimes this happens. It's usually a miss-communication in their organization.

Q: Is there any chance an "Archived Date" column could be added?
A: NetGalley is working on it! In the meantime, they are also urging publishers to put archive dates in the book description. (Some have already started).

Q: Should we be putting our full reviews in the review box or is just a link to our blog post enough?
A: Full review AND a link directly to your review is preferred.

Q: What is the difference between the Full Review and the Brief Review?
A: Full Review is for your review, Brief Review box is for any comments you want to make outside of the review itself.

Q: What if we have been declined by a publisher for a book in genre "B" when they have already approved us previously for books in genre "A"?
A: Make sure your bio states all the types of genres you read and review. The publisher might not realize you review genre "B". Also, be sure to check out Publisher Criteria.

Q: Do publishers expect to see reviews from booksellers who are reading purely for ordering  and store recommendations?
A: Booksellers and Librarians are not expected to send reviews BUT it is nice to send feedback if you have ordered a book for your collection.

Q: Do Kindle books every expire?
A: No. Kindle books currently do not have an expiration date. More info can be found HERE.

Q: What is best practice for books that have been archived before you read them?
A: Email the publisher to tell them you ran out of time. For books that archive right after you get approval, email NetGalley support.

Monday, January 16, 2012

2012 NetGalley Reading Challenge

I know I said I wasn't doing any reading challenges this year BUT starting one myself doesn't count, right? ;)

I've been hosting NetGalley Month Read-A-Thons, held every three months in January, April. July and October for a while now and I thought - What better way to accompany these events then a 


I'm a casual kind of gal so my 'rules' are very simple

1. Link up your blog below
Or wherever it is you post your NetGalley reviews
You can join any time!

2. Pick a level:
I tried to come up with cute names for each level but failed miserably 
So instead, each level gets a colored star :)

Blue Star - read 1-10 NetGalley Books in 2012
Green Star - read 11-20 NetGalley Books in 2012
Red Star - read 21-30 NetGalley Books in 2012
Gold Star - read 30+ NetGalley Books in 2012

3. Put my challenge button on your blog, if you want 
code is to the right in my sidebar

4. Read the Books :)

5. Come back every month to share some reviews and visit other blogs participating!
Every month I'll have a linky up where you can post your NetGalley reviews
Check back on this post for the review post link or check out my sidebar - I'll link them there as well :)

What do you guys think?
Who's in?

2012 NetGalley Reading Challenge

1. Emily @ Red House Books :)  46. Mrs Mommy Booknerd  
2. Brenna @ Esther's Ever After  47. Jess @ Jessy'sBookends  
3. Jenna @ Coffee, Books and Me  48. Kris (Words That Fly)  
4. Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl  49. Farah @ Broken Penguins  
5. Books Are Magic  50. Lisa (Lisa's World of Books)  
6. julie barrett  51. Wendy Newcomb  
7. Kate @ Ex Libris  52. Kai(Fiction State of Mind)  
8. Sara @ Reading All Year Long  53. Beth Duncan  
9. Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf  54. Sam @ The Little Munchkin Reader  
10. Jenn O.  55. Sharon the Librarian  
11. Audrey @ Bibliosaurus Text  56. Heidi @ Geo Librarian  
12. Marlene @ Reading Reality  57. Burgandy Ice @ Colorimetry  
13. margie @ bumbles and fairy-tales  58. Heather @ BookStacksOnDeck  
14. Andie @ From A to Z  59. Selina  
15. Kimberly @ Turning The Pages  60. Ana @ BookSpark  
16. Chrizette @ All the days of  61. Kristi-The Book Faery  
17. Lauren @ Violin in a Void  62. Christina @ A Reader of Fictions  
18. Starr K @ The Literati Press  63. Charlotte @ Bookworm Blogger  
19. Gina ~ Hott Books  64. Lauren @ Ravishing Reads  
20. Kerry/Medora @ Forging an Art  65. Meg @ A Bookish Affair  
21. A Muggle's Magical Book Blog  66. Psique @ Book Travels  
22. Stella @ Ex Libris  67. Natasha @ A Bit of Dash  
23. Brianne  68. Emily @ Falling For YA  
24. Molly@ReviewsByMolly  69. Sidne the Reading Socialite  
25. Vicki  70. Amanda  
26. Christy @ Love of Books  71. Kristilyn @ Reading In Winter  
27. Nicola @ A Pocket Full of Books  72. Best @ B's Book Blog!  
28. Alexa @ Alexa Loves Books  73. ReadingDiva's Blog  
29. Amodini @ ReviewRoom  74. karlaamae  
30. Remy @ Just Remy  75. Scarlett @ Books Before Bed  
31. Amyra Hastur @ Sognando Leggendo  76. DL@persnicketysoup  
32. Lisa @ Adventures of 2.0  77. Cathy  
33. Darlene @ Darlene's Book Nook  78. Vicki @ The Wolf's Den  
34. Benji @ The Non Reluctant Reader  79. Sara Kovach  
35. BarkLessWagMore @ Fetch Me My Fainting Couch  80. Cheli  
36. Audra @ Unabridged Chick  81. Mary Grace @ The Solitary Bookworm  
37. Kerry@musings of a bookworm  82. The Lateiner Gang Book Review Spot  
38. Charlotte's Web of Books  83. Michelle @ Concise Book Reviews  
39. Not Just Nonsense  84. Faye @ Ramblings of a Teenage Bookworm  
40. Aleetha @ It's All About Books  85. Alex in Leeds  
41. A Gluten Free Journey  86. Alessandra@Out of the Blue  
42. Reviewing Shelf  87. Megan @ Hardcover Feedback  
43. Luna B  88. Amie@Mom Reads My Books  
44. Louisa @ Words I Write Crazy  89. Faith @ Student Spyglass  
45. Anne @ Stuff & Nonsense II  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

NetGalley Twitter Chat this Wednesday!

NetGalley Twitter Chat Hosted by Red House Books :)

Join me and The Lovely Lindsey Rudnickas from NetGalley on 
Wednesday January 18 at 6pm EST

Bring your NetGalley questions, talk about what NetGalley books you've read and good time will be had by all!

Use the hashtag #NetGalleyMonth to follow along.

I'm partial to TweetChat and this link will work for everyone (even if you've never used it before):

Have a question for Lindsey but can't make it on Wednesday?
Let me know below and I'll ask it for you!
Q and A transcript will be posted after the chat

Thanks guys!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Reading, Reviews and....Republicans?

Back in November, Galleysmith blogged about a method of reading inspired by a friend. Basically it involves making a list of books to read and then, well, reading them :)

I love this idea because I swear, I feel like I spend just as much time choosing a book to read as I do reading it.

I'm doing it a bit differently though. Instead of listing out particular books I've made a list of the types of books I want to read.

It actually wound up being a fairly complicated math equation (don't ask) BUT in the end I have a system that has been working pretty well for me.

My list is 20 (yes 20) items long and is made up of 8 different types of books - each one repeating randomly.

Now, I warn you, this might not make any sense at all to anyone but in case you are curious, here is how it brakes down (the number after each category is the number of times it appears on my list of 20)
  • Review Book NEW -- ARCs and galleys of titles that haven't been released yet (4)
  • Review Book OLD -- ARCs and galleys of titles that have already been released. Also, finished books I have received for review (4)
  • Review Book REALLY OLD -- books from past BEAs, ARCs that I've had for a while (4)
  • On My Shelf -- any book that has been sitting on my shelf for a good amount of time (2)
  • Popular Titles -- books from my shelf that have generated a buzz. Includes books I've bought on the recommendations of others (2)
  • Series -- 2nd or 3rd or 4th books from a series I have already started
  • Adult -- non YA or MG books
  • Non Fiction -- self explanatory
The order is random and after a book is read I move it's category to the bottom, creating a never ending list!

Like I said, it's working so far for me. Knowing what category of book I'm looking for makes it a lot easier to actually pick one! My categories are also kind of fluid so it's easy for some books to fall into more then one and I have no problems skipping a category here and there if needed.

What do you guys think?!?

As some of you might have noticed, I haven't posted many reviews in the past couple of months. I've been reading a ton but...I've been having a hard time sitting down and getting my thoughts out (reviewer's block?). I would rather post nothing then post a half hearted, sloppily written review. Does that make sense?

I'm making a very conscience effort to remedy the situation. One thing I have found that works is to write my review immediately after finishing the book. Close book, open computer - done!

SO! For both my old and new followers, you can look forward to more reviews posted in 2012! (I don't do new years resolutions but if I did this would be one of them ;)

If anyone has tips on how to get out of a reviewing slump I would love to hear your thoughts!

and last and certainly least....
Republicans....or something....
YES I live in New Hampshire
YES the Republican Primary was held here today
YES GOP does stand for "Grand Old Party"
NO I was not partying today
NO I am not looking forward to many more months of political hoopla
....and please don't get me started on the Electoral College

I think that's enough out of me for now ;)
Expect actual awesomeness in the future! Ha!

Monday, January 9, 2012

NetGalley January: General NetGalley Info

How was everyone's first week of NetGalley January?
What have you been reading? 

In this first check in post I wanted to share with you some general information about NetGalley AND announce our upcoming Twitter Chat!

Some helpful NetGalley Links:

NetGalley Sign In Page - I have this one bookmarked as it makes getting to my account just that much faster ;)

Reading Devices - Great information on using all kinds of e-readers, phones and of course, your computer

Publisher Approval Preferences - before you request it's a good idea to check out what a particular publisher is looking for

NetGalley Blog - "Follow The Reader" love this title :)

NetGalley on Facebook - Do you "Like" NetGalley?

NetGalley on Twitter - run by Lindsey Rudnickas, NetGalley Digital Concierge. She is supper helpful if you ever have a question!


Speaking of Lindsey and questions.
Next week you can join us in another fabulous Twitter chat. Once I have the exact date and time I'll let you know! Past months chats have been fantastic and I'm hoping for even more participating this month.


Speaking of participation ;) If you haven't already signed up for NetGalley January there is still time! Head on over to the sign up post and get started.


no...that's it ;)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Recent Contest Winners

I'm so bad about announcing winners! 
Everyone has been contacted at least :)

Glow Audio Book
Katie R

Pure ARC

Angelina's Secret ARC
Brianne S

More giveaways coming soon!
Thanks everyone :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

On My Wishlist - Debuts!

On My Wishlist is hosted by Book Chick City :)

2012 Debut hitting shelves soon!
Destiny's Fire by Trisha Wolfe
January 10, 2012 by Omnific Publishing
It’s the year 2040, and sixteen-year-old Dez Harkly is one of the last of her kind—part of a nearly extinct race of shape-shifters descended from guardians to the Egyptian pharaohs. Her home and her secret are threatened when the Council lowers the barrier, allowing the enemy race to enter the Shythe haven. 
As the Narcolym airships approach, Dez and her friends rebel against their Council and secretly train for battle. Not only is Dez wary of war and her growing affection for her best friend Jace, but she fears the change her birthday will bring. When Dez’s newfound power rockets out of control, it’s a Narcolym who could change her fate… if she can trust him. 
Dez’s guarded world crumbles when she discovers why the Narcos have really come to Haven Falls, and she's forced to choose between the race who raised her and the enemy she's feared her whole life. (from Goodreads)

2011 Debut I'm still wishing for!
I Am J by Chris Beam
March 2011 by Little Brown
J always felt different. He was certain that eventually everyone would understand who he really was; a boy mistakenly born as a girl. Yet as he grew up, his body began to betray him; eventually J stopped praying to wake up a "real boy" and started covering up his body, keeping himself invisible - from his family, from his friends...from the world. But after being deserted by the best friend he thought would always be by his side, J decides that he's done hiding - it's time to be who he really is. And this time he is determined not to give up, no matter the cost. 
An inspiring story of self-discovery, of choosing to stand up for yourself, and of finding your own path - readers will recognize a part of themselves in J's struggle to love his true self.(from Goodreads)

What are you wishing for?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

DEBUT FEATURE: May B. Author Caroline Starr Rose on Reading Verse Novels + A Giveaway

A big welcome to
Caroline Starr Rose
whose debut novel
May B.
releases January 10, 2012
from Schwartz and Wade
an imprint of Random House Children's Books

I've known it since last night:
It's been too long to expect them to return. 
Something's happened.
May is helping out on a neighbor's Kansas prairie homestead—just until Christmas, says Pa. She wants to contribute, but it's hard to be separated from her family by 15 long, unfamiliar miles. Then the unthinkable happens: May is abandoned. Trapped in a tiny snow-covered sod house, isolated from family and neighbors, May must prepare for the oncoming winter. While fighting to survive, May's memories of her struggles with reading at school come back to haunt her. But she's determined to find her way home again. Caroline Starr Rose's fast-paced novel, written in beautiful and riveting verse, gives readers a strong new heroine to love. (from Goodreads)

Caroline spent her childhood in the deserts of Saudi Arabia and New Mexico, camping at the Red Sea in one and eating red chile in the other. As a girl she danced ballet, raced through books by Laura Ingalls, and put on magic shows in a homemade cape. She graduated from the University of New Mexico and went on to teach both social studies and English in New Mexico, Florida, Virginia, and Louisiana. In her classroom, she worked to instill in her students a passion for books, the freedom to experiment with words, and a curiosity about the past. (from Random House)

Today Caroline share with us her thoughts on reading verse novels - something I have only just begun to do.

Reading Verse Novels

Verse novels are stories told through unrhymed poetry. It’s a format that can be intimidating to some readers, so to make the genre feel more accessible, I thought I’d try to demystify them a bit. Here are some things verse novels usually have in common:

Subject matter must be right for poetry
Some topics lend themselves more easily to poetry than others. Some subjects refuse to be written as prose. Many times an author will use verse to mimic the rhythm of the story. Here are a few books that come to mind:
Sharon Creech’s HEARTBEAT, about a girl who loves to run
Karen Hesse’s OUT OF THE DUST, where the spare language reflects the stark Dust Bowl setting
Lisa Schroeder’s FAR FROM YOU, about a girl who sings and and writes songs

Protagonists must be right for poetry
Often (though not always) verse novels are told from a very close first-person point of view. Such writing calls for a lot of introspection on the protagonist's part.  Other times verse is used as a way for multiple voices to be heard, almost like a Greek chorus. Here are some examples:
Thanhha Lai’s INSIDE OUT AND BACK AGAIN, about a Vietnamese girl’s efforts to understand her new American home
Karen Hesse’s WITNESS, where the Ku Klux Klan moves into a quiet Vermont town, and citizens reflect on the change they bring

Poems should be able stand alone
Each poem in a verse novel must capture one moment, scene, idea, mark of change in your character's life. Poems should also be able to function separately from the rest of the story.

Poems must contribute to the whole
When I worked through my own verse novel, MAY B., I kept a quilt in mind, treating each poem like its own square of fabric. Each patch had to be able to function separately while at the same time move the story forward. I trusted that if certain patterns and shades in my story quilt were repeated (think themes or story strands), eventually the interconnectedness would surface -- a much more organic approach than is normally taken with prose.

Varied poem lengths
Some scenes flow, some end abruptly. Some thoughts wander, some jab. Without the structure of chapters, verse novels are simultaneously abrupt and fluid -- poem lengths can be jagged yet aide the plot in moving through scenes swiftly. It is often difficult to find a place to stop reading, as one poem often bleeds into the next.

Varied line lengths
Verse novelists play with key phrases or words they want to bring to their reader’s attention by the way they arrange words on the page. Line breaks can be used to slow down reading, to draw the eye to important phrases, and to best "speak" the poem.

Emotion and structure
The structure of a poem often communicates to readers a character’s emotional state.

How might fear look structurally?  A verse novelist might use little punctuation or words tightly packed together. Maybe the language of the poem will unfold in short bursts, reminiscent of a child peeking into a darkened room and quickly slamming the door.

Poetic form
Some verse novelists use specific types of poetry (sonnets, for example), as Pat Brisson did with her book, THE BEST AND HARDEST THING. In writing about Sylvia Plath in YOUR OWN, SLYVIA, author Stephanie Hemphill chose to mirror the format of several of Plath's poems, giving her readers a sense of the poet's style, subject matter, intensity, and character.

The visual and the aural
When I was a teacher, I used to tell my students that poetry should be seen and heard. There is something special that happens when a reader experiences seeing, hearing, and saying a poem all at once -- the fullness of the poem is discovered this way.

If you ever feel stuck with a verse novel, find a private corner and try reading it aloud.

Verse novels aren’t books with strange line breaks. They are stories best communicated through the language, rhythm, imagery and structure of poetry. Don’t be afraid to give books in this unique genre a try!

To show you some of the techniques mentioned above, I’ve included a sample poem from my verse novel, MAY B.

I play a game inside my head, (1)
counting plum trees that dot a creek bed, (2)
rabbits that scatter at the sound of wagon wheels,
clouds that skirt the sky.
For hours, that is all
and grass (3)
always grass
in different shades and textures (4)
like the braids in a rag rug.

Miss Sanders told us that lines never end,
and numbers go on forever.
Here, (5)
in short-grass country,
I understand infinity. (6)(7)

(1) Much of the story is told through thought, not dialogue. We have a real sense of May’s internal life.
(2) Verse allows for the opportunity to play with language. Here’s a bit of rhyme.
(3) Repetition for emphasis. The line break here also slows down the reader, emphasizing the miles of grass.
(4) Poetry should be visual and figurative language fresh, even unexpected.
(5) Line break for emphasis
(6) The two stanzas mirror each other in appearance, reinforcing the visual aspect of experiencing poetry.
(7) Notice the poem is about place and uses measurements/counting as a way to make sense of things. The few trees and rabbits are a contrast to infinity. The poem fits into the overall story -- May leaving for a new place -- but can also stand alone as a poem about the short-grass Kansas prairie.

Thank you so much Caroline!

As a special treat for those of you reading this today, I have some lovely May B. swag to giveaway :)
Fill out THIS FORM to enter
(ends January 18, 2012 at 11:59pm EST / open to everyone 18 years or older)
Please only enter if you have actually read this post :)

If you are a 2012 debut author of a middle grade or young adult book and would like to be featured at Red House Books this year, LET ME KNOW

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Book Review: Eve by Anna Carey

Reading Level: Young Adult
Publication Date: October 2011
Pages: 318
Series: 1st in the Eve series
Acquisition: BEA 2011

Where do you go when nowhere is safe?
Sixteen years after a deadly virus wiped out most of Earth’s population, the world is a perilous place. Eighteen-year-old Eve has never been beyond the heavily guarded perimeter of her school, where she and two hundred other orphaned girls have been promised a future as the teachers and artists of the New America. But the night before graduation, Eve learns the shocking truth about her school’s real purpose—and the horrifying fate that awaits her.
Fleeing the only home she’s ever known, Eve sets off on a long, treacherous journey, searching for a place she can survive. Along the way she encounters Arden, her former rival from school, and Caleb, a rough, rebellious boy living in the wild. Separated from men her whole life, Eve has been taught to fear them, but Caleb slowly wins her trust . . . and her heart. He promises to protect her, but when soldiers begin hunting them, Eve must choose between true love and her life.
In this epic new series, Anna Carey imagines a future that is both beautiful and terrifying. Readers will revel in Eve’s timeless story of forbidden love and extraordinary adventure.

I was: A little underwhelmed by the adventure but curious as to how things will turn out for Eve and her friends.

My thoughts:
A dystopian world on the edge but on the edge of what, I'm not quite sure. A confusing description perhaps, but Eve was a bit of a confusing read for me. It's dystopian world lacked some cohesion. I'm still not quite sure exactly what’s going on or rather, I was confused by the actions of those in power. There is this force driving society but it isn't really explained. I can only assume more answers will be revealed in book 2 but even knowing a book is the first in the series, I still expect some closure at the end. Have to say, at the end of Eve I wasn't very happy at all.

That isn't to say I didn't enjoy the story. Eve herself is an interesting character. She starts off very naive about her world - very much in the dark about her place and purpose. I liked the fact that she is thrown into things and has to adapt and change her way of thinking very quickly. I didn't like how it happened however. I didn't feel like I got enough information about where Eve came from and I didn't understand the place she was hoping to find. Some things are explained as the story progresses but it still very much felt like a book 1 with too many holes in the story.

Will I read book 2? I think yes. Even though I didn't fall in love with the characters or the setting of Eve, I did feel invested in the story and I really do want to know how it turns out. I do have to say though, that ending really had me. I very much felt like I was missing a page or two. There is this build up to a climax that doesn't really happen and for me, I'd have to say Eve suffers from Titanic movie ending syndrome aka make room on the damn raft for him already!

Highlight below for a spoiler filled explanation on what I mean:

So Eve and Caleb makes this perilous journey to...San Francisco was it? In any case, they travel long and hard and they face danger and they are pretty much in love with each other. So they get where they are going and Caleb is hurt and the rulers of the sanctuary they seek are all like 'sorry, no boys allowed' and Caleb's all like 'it's cook, I knew' and Eve's all "oh..ok...well don't die! I'll see you soon right?" - What? Why did she leave him? Why did she go with these strangers and leave her friend alone and hurt and possibly dying? Make room on the damn raft for him! Or rather, don't go with the creepy man hating strangers - find some other way!

End spoilers...and mini rant :)

Again, I hoping things will make a bit more sense in book 2.

Final verdict:
Don't let my lack luster review steer you away from Eve. Overall, it's a book I'm happy to have read. If dystopian is your thing, I think you'll enjoy Eve's story. If series books aren't, you might want to skip it.

There are a few very specific questions I'm really looking forward to have answered and I'm really curious as to how they are going to be answered.

Overall Rating:
3.5 / 5 Stars

Books in the Eve Series:
Once (July 2012)

Linkage Love:
Harper Teen
Author's Website
Read an excerpt

Monday, January 2, 2012

Goodbye 2011! AKA Lots of updates and organization that you really don't have to read ;)

I know everyone is tired of reading (and writing?) end of the year / wrap up / old challenges / new challenges / 2012 goals posts, right?

That's what I thought!
Here's another one!

Really though, a lot of what follows is just for my peace of mind so if you're already bored, go read a book instead!

I'm tying a more relaxed take on blogging in 2012. Still lots of content and hopefully some new excitement but no stress. If I don't post every day you won't hate me ;)

Some DOs for the coming year:
*NetGalley Read-A-Thons every 3rd month - in January, April, July and October -- might be hard to come up with new and exciting features each time but there will be read-a-thoning goodness going on!
NetGalley January is happening RIGHT NOW!

*LOTS of debut author content! I have a bunch of stuff scheduled - guest posts, feature posts, giveaways - should be a blast

*MORE REVIEWS! I'm really behind - like - a few months worth of books behind. I'm hoping for at least 3 reviews a week - some weeks more some weeks less - we'll see!

*A READING SCHEDULE -- nothing strict but I have a pretty good system that I started last month and so far it's helping me get in tons of reading :)

*ONE spreadsheet and ONE notebook to organize my reading / reviewing - not 4 or 5 like I am currently trying to use

Some NO THANK YOUS for the coming year:
*Reading challenges...not so much as I failed pretty bad in 2011 (see below for more details) Debut Author Challenge for sure but nothing else.

*NO DRAMA -- ok, I don't really need to state this one as I never get involved in blogging / reading / author online drama BUT I'm making a special effort to actually ignore it all this year.

*NO STRESS -- in my reading habits, in my blogging habits - in everything! (woo hoo for trying to eliminate all stress from everything! Who's with me? :)

*NO GUILT -- I don't know about your but when I get behind on things (reading, emailing, getting back to people) I feel so GUILTY about it...and my guilt keeps me from actually getting anything done. A viscous cycle that I'm hoping to break myself out of this year.

Ok so let's see what else I need to wrap up and get myself ready for 2012 book awesomeness...

Challenges in 2011 and 2012
I rocked The Debut Author Challenge in 2011...and pretty much failed every other challenge I challenged myself to! Oops! Here's a more complete look at my failure.
In 2012 I'm only committing to the Debut Challenge. It feels like a bit of a cheat because even without the official challenge (hosted by The Story Siren) I would still read a ton of debuts this year.

Books Read in 2011 and 2012
I read...books... this year :) It's actually hard for me to count them because I kept switching up the way I tallied things though out the year. But Emily, how can you change the way you COUNT? Isn't a simple 1, 2, 3... Well, yeah, for most people it would be but for me, not so much! If you're interested you can see all my wonderful anal retentiveness HERE and I've started my books read in 2012 page HERE.

Places to Find Me
I started blogging in 2009 but it wasn't until 2011 that I really expanded my online presence. For a complete list of places you can find me check out this post. I've also fully updated my sidebar!

Ok folks, I think that's it! 
Hope you all had a Happy New Year and that your 2012 is off to a good start!

Places to find me in 2012

I'm everywhere!! Mwahahahaha!
Ok...not really...but I do love the Internet and there are many places you can find me on any given day :)
I'll add to and edit this list as needed

Ways to follow / contact / find me :)
All of these can also be found in my side bar

Google Friend Connect
Google will be disallowing GFC on non Blogger sites...soonish? So you won't see this widget on Wordpress or LiveJournal blogs in the future. I'm still all Blogger and I've kept my GFC for those folks who like to use it. I still use it to follow blogs because I like Blogger's dashboard interface and I use Google Reader's blogs I follow feature to keep track of my subscriptions.
It's awesome to see my followers increase (and anyone who tells you it really doesn't make any difference to them is probably lying to someone) BUT even if I had 1 follower / reader I would still do what I do because I started this blog for me and I'm having a blast with it!
So, if you are so inclined you can click on the little 'Join This Site' button off to the right

RSS Feed
Another way to follow along with all the nonsense wonderfully interesting things I post here at Red House Books :) You can also input my url directly into your favorite Reader (http://redhousebooks.blogspot.com)

I absolutely love Twitter!
I stalk follow so many great people! Sometimes I do feel like I am ease dropping in on other people's conversations but if you didn't want it to be public you should not be saying it on Twitter :)
I don't auto follow back but I do follow back most bloggers and authors that follow me if we have things in common.
I'm also obsessively compulsive about checking my @ mentions so if you say something to me I'm most likely going to respond to you!

Say what you will about the ridiculousness of the star rating system of Goodreads, I still love it. So much information in one place. I use it everyday! I also accept every friend request I get - if you want to see what I'm reading, I'm not going to stop you.
I do not however, respond to emails nor do I pay any attention to alerts or notices about contests, blog hops, special events or anything of the sort. If you try to get my attention this way, you will fail :)

LT holds a special place in my heart as it's what lead me to blogging in the first place. I'm not as active in the discussion groups as I used to be but I try to keep my bookshelves organized and I love their widgets - much better then Goodreads IMO.
I'll accept any friend request and reply to messages but I don't check very often so don't take it personally if I don't respond quickly.

Something I just started this year...it's not really much of anything yet but I can myself using it a lot more in the future. I'm not on very much but I would like to add to my followers so if you have  Tumblr let me know and I'll follow you!

So far only my In My Mailbox vlogs. I don't think that will change in the future as I'm not much of a vlogger but who knows :)

Facebook Page
This one is tied to an account that is only for my online presence. Yes, the FB gods may strike me down for having more then one FB account and not using my real name on one of them *gasp* but I don't really care. My 'real' FB account is only for people I have actually met and / or know really well...and I don't even use it that much anyway ;)
If you're into FB you can "Like" my page as all my blog posts will appear in Red House Book's Fan Page feed. You can also follow via Networked Blogs (link is in sidebar)

Google +
I still don't really know how to use Google+ to it's fullest potential and I can't figure out a way to publish my blog posts to my G+ feed...but I do plan on working on this more in the future - and  help would be appreciated too :)

A not so great way to find and buy books online :) Say what you want about how evil it is, it's hard to avoid and really, for some, it's the only way they can buy books. I buy local whenever I can but for me that means 1 bookstore to shop in with the closest 'big' chain store over an hour away.
I'm not an affiliate so any links I might post here will in no way equal a potential commission. I do however upload my reviews to my account because even though I don't love Amazon, I'm usually asked to post reviews here by publishers, publicists and authors and I really don't mind or care if Amazon uses my words to take over the world!

Now this is just for fun :) I do have a book related awesomeness board so it's not completely unrelated :)

Email Me
Anytime! WilowRaven at gmail dot com