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Red House Books is going through a bit of a update!

I've always had a pretty clear vision of what I wanted this space to be but I've been detoured from my path by...lots and lost of other people's opinions and ways of doing things...

I'm committed to this little chunk of the interweb but I've also branched out into other places so! Now it's time to think of Red House Books as more of a hub of all things me! And Me is a hell of a lot of book love!

Stay tuned!


Monday, August 24, 2015

Color your cares away...and I can help! GIVEAWAY TIME!

ALL the giggles
Someone at work ordered a book called "Adult Coloring Book" and once I got over a case of the giggles because I'm 12 (ok, fine, after I spread my case of giggles to every co-worker I could find and then got over myself) -- I actually took a good look at it and realized that this was something I needed in my life.

Coloring, for enjoyment's sake, is suppose to be relaxing and meditative and calming and all sorts of good for you stuff and goodness!

Not sure who said any of these things or if maybe a case study was done at some point or maybe it was just a bored Amazon employee who a few months ago decided what the next new 'in' thing was going to be and stealth-fully started inserting pictures of coloring books everywhere on Amazon (what? this doesn't happen? ;)

Coloring and a nice cuppa = perfect!
Whatever the case may be, I'm here to inform you that yes, adult coloring is in fact very relaxing and extremely satisfying and after a long week, sitting down with a good coloring book and some nice new sharpened colored pencils was really pretty wonderful.

I began my journey of enlightenment by first seeking out the perfect book (because I was convinced such a thing existed).
To preform this task I enlisted the help of the highest authority in the land:

I asked Twitter.

And specifically the OTSPSecretSister folks, what adult coloring books (hehehehehe) they enjoyed.

After many suggestions and thanks to the wonders of Amazon Prime, I found, ordered and received my key to ALL THE RELAXATION.

Seriously, this is like the best thing ever!

Amazon Link
Amazon Link
Amazon Link
While 'adult coloring' (ba! every time folks! hehehehehe) might not be for you, I would recommend giving it a try if like me, the stress of the day sometimes leaves you drained and you can't muster up the energy to get the things done that you love -- like reading or blogging.

I finally decided on 2 books by Johanna Basford. The Secret Garden and The Enchanted Forest.

Johanna Basford was a favorite among my Twitter peeps and I have to agree -- I've started on The Secret Garden (EF is backordered) and it's so good I want to carry it everywhere with me.

I'm also seriously considering pre-ordering The Lost Ocean so I can fill it with all the blue!

Here are some other suggestions from some wonderful folks! (all links are to Amazon cause the pics are better / I'm not an affiliate)


And! Because I think everyone could benefit with a little more relaxation in their life, I'm giving away 1 coloring book PMITBP (previously mentioned in this blog post).

Using The Book Depository for this one -- if they ship to your country you can enter!

If you win, you can choose any book mentioned on this page, or another (under $15)  if you don't fancy any of these -- I'll send some Book Depository links if you can't decide!

Open till September 4th - I'll pick and contact the winner that weekend.
If anything in the Rafflecopter form looks wonky let me know!

Happy coloring everyone!


  1. I don't have a favorite as of yet. We have a lot that we have bought over the years, but I can't say any are my personal favorites. My mom is really big on celtic knots and normal flowers, so there isn't much to them. I really love the Johanna's books look, I've been eyeing them for months now.

  2. I have been looking & drooling at all the lovely adult colouring books & pencils but I have jet to buy any & start so would love to win :)

  3. Never done it but it looks so relaxing I need to try it

  4. I have Johanna Basford's Enchanted Forest: An Inky Quest and Colouring Book and love it!

  5. I don't really have a favourite ....I just love them all

  6. I haven't tried one yet but looks very relaxing and fun

  7. I love coloring still, but I haven't tried an adult coloring book yet--mainly I just color printables or steal pages from my little ones' coloring books!

  8. Sounds like a great way to "un-tech" for a while!

  9. No favorite, but I love the concept. I can see how relaxing they could be.

  10. I don't have a favourite yet, but I do find it so relaxing x

  11. I don't have a favourite, because although I had heard of these books, I've haven't seen them yet. Now you have inspired me to go and look : ) Thank you. I'm getting quite excited about this.

  12. I'm afraid I have not tried them before....had not heard of them until I read ur blog...but it seems like a great idea...anything to stop me playing with my phone is brill!

  13. Thank you a lot for this great post, i'm in dire need of relaxation but i haven't tried color books yet even if i'm quite tempted so your post was something i needed and i'm glad for teh recommendation as well
    thank you for the giveaway too!! it could be my fisr step in trying this

  14. I have always loved coloring books. Of course, as I have gotten older and my kids have too, we do not color anymore. The adult coloring books are AMAZING! I would say of the ones mentioned above, my favorites would be "Enchanted Forest" and "Secret Garden". THANK YOU for bringing this to my attention. What an amazing way to unwind!!

  15. I have not experienced the new books yet, so do not have a favourite at the moment.

  16. Entangled looks like one I would enjoy. I have not tried the adult coloring books yet but I plan to.

  17. I love Millie Marotta's Animal Kingdom.

  18. Actually I haven't tried any coloring book for adults yet, but I had my eyes on one of Johanna Basfords books for some time now as there is something truly magical about her drawings.

  19. I've only just recently heard of them and i think i would be spoilt for choice choosing one, there are quite a few that look fun

  20. I love colouring, but I don't have a fave :)

  21. I have yet to try any but the benefits of turning off the tech certainly appeal.

  22. I haven't tried any of these books yet but am looking forward to it. Especially the Ocean book :)

  23. I got a sea breeze coloring book from barnes and nobles ! it's so relaxing!

  24. i havent tried any yet but would love to!

  25. My favorite books are Glowing Mandalas One and Glowing Mandalas Two

  26. I will have to think about which one I want if I win....I have always loved to color, even when it wasn't the in thing...and other adults thought I was acting like a kid, I was and still do...but love the new books to color..glad you found out how calming coloring can be.

  27. I love them all but the building ones are a little more special for me

  28. I would love to try this, though I'm not sure which I would choose.

  29. I haven't got one myself yet, but I love the idea of the Creative Cats one.

  30. I don't have a favourite yet as I'm yet to start - currently waiting for my first book to arrive!

  31. I SO need to do some serious chilling out but haven't tried colouring YET!

  32. I haven't tried any yet. But they look so relaxing to do!

  33. I haven't tried any of them but the Secreat Paris looks fab :-)

  34. I don't have a favourite as I am a little obsessed with them all!!!

  35. I like the look of the secret Paris book!

  36. My daughter has some , I like Enchanted Forest

  37. My fave one is just one I bought from the Works. It's massive and has loads of different types of images to colour.

  38. Creative Cats looks great - big cat lovers in this house!

  39. I haven't tried any of them yet, but they all look fantastic! x

  40. My husband bought me the Animal Kingdom one last Christmas which I love! Liking the look of the creative cats one though :-)

  41. Hello Emily! Right now I am loving this post. I find this adult coloring so refreshing. Well, since I had an awful night, reading about this topic was relaxing. I even included some of the coloring books on my wish list. My daughter loves to draw and coloring, so this is an activity I can share with her.


Thanks a bunch for visiting :)