So! I got a bunch of random things these last two weeks (didn't post last week) but I'm highlighting the coolest of the cool!
First! I am fortunate to be participating in two great Book Tours. AND! I got my first books for both tours this week! These books and tours deserve special mention as they are pretty fabtabulous :)
Second! A fellow blogger posted a review for some books I had no idea existed but knew I had to have!
To start - Tour Books:
1 ARC Tours - Contributors: Harmony, Hope, Erica, and Yan
Meet the members here :)

(from Amazon)
The Kindling of GreenFyr is the story of Owen McInish, an awkward fourteen-year-old bullied at school and friendless except for his pet cat, Piper. That is until a snow leopard is chased through the woods behind his house by three huge gray dogs with glowing green eyes. Owen saves the leopard from her pursuers, but the animal escapes him as well, only to return later. The cat’s behavior is peculiar, nothing like a wild animal, making Owen even more curious as to its origin. Eventually, the cat allows Owen to pet her. Owen finds himself experiencing friendships as he has never before. Adventures as he has never imagined. And political intrigue as two worlds, long separated, begin to collide.
A few bloggers have read and reviewed the book already - links to their reviews can be found here.
Other Shelf Tours - Contributors: Kate, Casey and KimMeet the members here :)

(from Amazon)
When absent-minded Professor Random misplaces the main character from Alice in Wonderland, young Henry Witherspoon must book-jump to fetch Alice before chaos theory kicks in and the world vanishes. Along the way he meets Winnie Flapjack, a wit-cracking doodle witch with nothing to her name but a magic feather and a plan. Such as it is. Henry and Winnie brave the Dark Queen, whatwolves, pirates, Struths, and fluttersmoths, Priscilla and Charybdis, obnoxiously cheerful vampires, Baron Samedi, a nine-dimensional cat, and one perpetually inebriated Muse to rescue Alice and save the world by tea time.
You can find links to reviews here as people get their copies and read them :)
Rhiannon Hart was kind enough to inform me about these! Which I promptly ran out and bought!

Jim Henson's Return To Labyrinth Book 1, 2 and 3 by Jake Forbes
OMG! Can I just say how much I love love love this movie!
More Jareth, Toby and Sarah, you say?
In Manga form?
I've started book 1 and am loving it!
Could I possibly add more exclamation points to this post?
Thank you Rhiannon!
More Jareth, Toby and Sarah, you say?
In Manga form?
I've started book 1 and am loving it!
Could I possibly add more exclamation points to this post?
Thank you Rhiannon!
So, what's in your mailbox?