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Thursday, December 8, 2016

Book Review: Change Places With Me by Lois Metzger

Genre: YA Contemporary (Sci-fi)
Publication: June 2016 by Balzer + Bray
Acquisition: received in a trade

Rose has changed. She still lives in the same neighborhood and goes to the same high school with the same group of kids, but when she woke up today, something was a little different. Her clothes and hair don’t suit her anymore. The dogs who live upstairs are no longer a terror. She wants to throw a party—this from a girl who hardly ever spoke to her classmates before. There’s no more sadness in her life; she’s bursting with happiness.

But something still feels wrong to Rose. Because until very recently, she was an entirely different person—a person who’s still there inside her, just beneath the thinnest layer of skin.
(from Goodreads)
3 / 5 Stars

A strange read for me. I didn't completely love it but I couldn't put it down.

For me I felt like I was missing the point. I know books are stories, and stories don't need a point but I felt like Change Places with Me did...

At it's heart Change Places with Me is a contemporary - Rose is a young girl struggling through her life. She's unsure and she's confused but she's also focused.

On the fringe it's a futuristic, somewhat sci-fi based story. There's strange technology and hidden players that don't fit into neat contemporary boxes.

But...what is it really about? Am I too shallow a reader? Am I suppose to see layered and deeper meanings in what Rose is going through?

I don't know.

I do know that I flew through this book, searching for something and while the journey was fun, I didn't find what I didn't know I was looking for :)

I would recommend Change Places with Me to contemporary fans. The sci-fi is light and in my opinion, not really a factor in the heart of the story.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. You would expect this to have a pretty major sci-fi element OR a strong message about the life you're meant for or something? Too bad it didn't seem to live up to the concept.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction


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