Hello and Welcome!

Red House Books is going through a bit of a update!

I've always had a pretty clear vision of what I wanted this space to be but I've been detoured from my path by...lots and lost of other people's opinions and ways of doing things...

I'm committed to this little chunk of the interweb but I've also branched out into other places so! Now it's time to think of Red House Books as more of a hub of all things me! And Me is a hell of a lot of book love!

Stay tuned!


Thursday, June 30, 2016

Book Review: Gena/Finn by Hannah Moskowitz and Kat Helgeson

Genre: YA Contemporary
Publication: May 2016 by Chronicle Books
Acquisition: received an ARC at ALA Midwinter 2016

The story follows the unlikely friendship of two young women forged via fan fiction and message boards, and is told entirely in texts, chats, and blog posts.

Gena (short for Genevieve) and Finn (short for Stephanie) have little in common. Book-smart Gena is preparing to leave her posh boarding school for college; down-to-earth Finn is a twenty-something struggling to make ends meet in the big city. Gena’s romantic life is a series of reluctant one-night-stands; Finn is making a go of it with long-term boyfriend Charlie. But they share a passion for Up Below, a buddy cop TV show with a cult fan following. Gena is a darling of the fangirl scene, keeping a popular blog and writing fan fiction. Finn’s online life is a secret, even from Charlie. The pair spark an unlikely online friendship that deepens quickly (so quickly it scares them both), and as their individual “real” lives begin to fall apart, they increasingly seek shelter online, and with each other.
(from Goodreads)
3 / 5 Stars

Wow - this book packs a punch.

I thought I was in for a light hearted tale of fandom and internet friendships. What I got was not really that at all.

Gena and Finn are 2 very different people. Seemingly, at first, the only things they have in common are their love for a TV show and the fan fiction and fandom that goes along with it. Their relationship exists online and IRL but we only really see the online side. Told in the format of blog posts, texts and emails, we, as the reader, never really get a first person narrative of what is going on with each of them. Rather, we see how they interact with each other - even when one of them isn't participating in the conversation (which was as confusing as it sounds).

So - pretty good from the start. Quirky contemporary with some really relatable bits. Online friendships and intense fandom (although, ga! the TV show they are both obsessed with? All I could think about was Supernatural because that's what it felt like - it was actually a little distracting) but anyway - sorry, yeah, relatable.

Until it wasn't.

There is this real life connection one of the girls has to the show, and an almost romance between the two which, honestly felt like it came out of nowhere. And then things got really dark and horrific. Like, almost instantly. No lead up, no foreshadowing - just bam! Everything is crap!

It took me a while to figure out how I really felt about Gena/Finn. The romance could have gone somewhere and I think it could have been really cool. The fandom part could have stayed nothing by fandom but it didn't. The IRL parts could have been realistic but felt really weird to me.

It's a good book but I had some issues. It's not a light hearted contemporary and it's a little too implausible and filled with drama.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Waiting On Wednesday: The Ones by Daniel Sweren-Becker

Waiting On Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine and focuses on books we are super excited about!

Today's Pick

The Ones
by Daniel Sweren-Becker

September 6th 2016 by Imprint

Why I'm Excited
Futuristic, possibly dystopian - genetic engineering and political unrest...there is a chance this one may be a flop for me but I'm still excited to read it!

What are you waiting on today?

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Hello from My House Land in...My House

I am so so so so so so so so so so so so tired!

ALA was so much fun but traveling is exhausting and I'm so happy to be home and I love working in a library and book people are the coolest people and, and, and


Ok guys - that's all I've got in me

Oh - here's a pic I put together for IG while waiting for my plane cause I'm a bad blogger library girl and posted hardly any of the pics I took during ALA

Oh - and ask me about the doubles if you really want to know rather then throwing a "OMG ALA bloggers were totally taking more then one copy of books and life is so unfair!" Or something similar ;) #jokingnotjoking #nodramallamahere

Happy Reading Everyone!

Friday, June 24, 2016

Hello from ALA Land in Sunny Orlando!

Hey everyone!

I'm heading to Orlando today to attend the Annual Conference of the American Library Association. While I do not have my MLS, I do work full time in an academic library and I find conferences such as ALA extremely important for so many reasons.

I hope to meet up with both colleagues and blogger friends, attend some sessions and of course, spend some time on the exhibit floor!

If you're in Orlando this weekend and want to meet up - send me a line!

I'll be tweeting (@WilowRedHouse) and Instagraming (@WilowRaven) as much as possible while enjoying myself and staying as far from the sun as possibly without actually burrowing underground :)

Hope everyone is having a fabulous Friday!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Blog Tour / Change Places With Me by Lois Metzger / Guest Post and GIVEAWAY!

Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my stop on the tour!

Lois Metzger is here sharing some thoughts on her fictional Queens neighborhood, Belle Heights. Being a Long Island girl, NYC will always be my city and I loved how Lois came up with her ideas on the neighborhood. I'll always be a New York girl so this was a real treat for me :)

There's also a giveaway at the end - but you have to read through the post to get there :)

I know you're only here for the details so let's begin!

Rose has changed.
She still lives in the same neighborhood with her stepmother and goes to the same high school with the same group of kids, but when she woke up today, something was just a little different than it was before.
The dogs who live upstairs are no longer a terror.
Her hair and her clothes all feel brand-new.
She wants to throw a party—this from a girl who hardly ever spoke to her classmates before.
There is no more sadness in her life; she is bursting with happiness.

But something still feels wrong to Rose.
Because, until very recently, Rose was an entirely different person—a person who is still there inside her, just beneath the thinnest layer of skin.

Lois Metzger was born in Queens and has always written for young adults. She is the author of five novels and two nonfiction books about the Holocaust, and she has edited five anthologies. Her short stories have appeared in collections all over the world. Her writing has also appeared in The New Yorker, The Nation, and The Huffington Post. She lives in New York City with her husband and son.

From Lois:

If you could live anywhere else besides Greenwich Village in New York City, where would it be?

I love my neighborhood and wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.


There’s a place I spend a lot of time in because it’s the setting for my novels, a neighborhood in Queens, in New York City, that’s rich in geological history but where there’s not a whole else going on. It’s called Belle Heights and it doesn’t exist.

The first time I wrote about Belle Heights was in my book, Missing Girls. To Carrie, the main character, “Belle Heights, out in the far reaches of an outer borough of New York City, felt more like an absence than a presence, a nothing instead of a something. It wasn’t quaint and friendly, like a small town. It wasn’t thrilling, like the center of a big city. It wasn’t hushed and beautiful, like the countryside. In fact, it looked washed-out, colorless—a smudge of a neighborhood.” Like most kids growing up in Belle Heights, Carrie can’t stand the neighborhood.

In my last novel, A Trick of the Light, the narrator, who actually likes Belle Heights, describes it as having “a pleasantly anonymous quality. Planes are constantly overhead, which creates a whooshing sound in the sky; the Belle Heights Expressway is always crowded, creating a whooshing sound on the ground. Some streets are hilly as roller coasters because back in the Ice Age glaciers traveled south, pushing rocks and sand and clay in front of them, and the glaciers stopped here before moving up north again. They left all their glacier junk behind, right here in Belle Heights.”

Change Places with Me takes place in the year 2029. Rose, the main character, even likes the neighborhood in the future: “Everyone said Belle Heights was so boring, a big chunk of nothing. Belle Drive, the busiest street, was a museum, a fossil, a dinosaur compared to neighboring Spruce Hills, which had giant stores like Target, Home Depot and Asteroid, and smaller, trendy stores opening all the time. But Rose decided she liked the fact that, except for the hydro-buses (and she could hear one wheezing behind her, a sure sign it was about to stall), long, winding Belle Drive had changed so little over the years.”

When I was growing up in the real neighborhood of Flushing, Queens, I found it crushingly dull. Now Flushing is a very different place, vibrant and diverse. But my imagination lives in the “old” Queens, which is why I had to invent Belle Heights, a place practically untouched by time.

The “Belle” comes from Belle Boulevard, an actual expressway in Queens, which like any expressway of course isn’t very belle. (Nor is the nearby real-life Utopia Parkway a slice of heaven.) The “Heights” comes from the equally real neighborhood of Jackson Heights, and suits fictional Belle Heights because of the steep hills left behind by the Ice Age.

The best thing about a dull, monotonous place is that it creates a strong contrast to the characters themselves, going through their own earth-shattering changes; and the uneven landscape of Belle Heights, full of highs and lows, is a perfect setting for characters having to navigate their way through their own rough terrain.

Thank you Lois for sharing this with us!

3 Finished Copies of CHANGE PLACES WITH ME (US Only)

Tour Schedule:
Week 1:
6/13: Pretty Deadly Reviews - Review
6/14: Arctic Books - Floral Inspirations
6/15: Lekeisha the Booknerd - Review
6/16: Here's to Happy Endings - Guest Post
6/17: The Irish Banana Review - Review

Week 2:
6/20: Brittany's Book Rambles - Q&A
6/21: Pondering the Prose - Review
6/22: Red House Books - Guest Post
6/23: Literary Lover - Review
6/24: Storybook Slayers - Top 10

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Half Year Mark Favorites

Top Ten Tuesdays is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

Hello hello!

Today in Top Ten Land we're talking about our favorite 2016 releases so far this year.
Can you believe the year is almost half over!?

Here are my top 10 6 favs so far!

Shallow Graves
by Kali Wallace

A different tale about life after death.
It's also a standalone which I loved and there isn't really a romance which was refreshing.


Stars Above
by Marissa Meyer

Book 4.5 in the Lunar Chronicles pulling together a bunch of short stories and while you don't need to read it to enjoy the series, I highly recommend it!


Reign of Shadows
by Sophie Jordan

A fantastic fantasy with some twists! I can't wait for book 2.


A Gathering of Shadows
by V.E. Shwab

Book 2 in the Shades of Magic series and OMG I loved it so much! A must must read for adult (and young adult) fantasy fans. Book 3 cannot come soon enough.


Seven Black Diamonds
by Melissa Marr

I've been having a heard time putting into words why I loved this book so much. It's Melissa Marr and it's fae but it's very different from her Wicked Lovely series.


Jane Steele
by Lyndsay Faye

Not my usual read but I'm so glad I picked it up. A retelling of Jane Eyre - only this one is good ;)


Monday, June 20, 2016

Book Review: The Accident Season by Moïra Fowley-Doyle

Genre: YA Contemporary
Publication: August 2015 by Kathy Dawson Books
Acquisition: bought

Every October Cara and her family become inexplicably and unavoidably accident-prone. Some years it's bad, like the season when her father died, and some years it's just a lot of cuts and scrapes. This accident season—when Cara, her ex-stepbrother, Sam, and her best friend, Bea, are 17—is going to be a bad one. But not for the reasons they think.

Cara is about to learn that not all the scars left by the accident season are physical: There's a long-hidden family secret underneath the bumps and bruises. This is the year Cara will finally fall desperately in love, when she'll start discovering the painful truth about the adults in her life, and when she'll uncover the dark origins of the accident season—whether she's ready or not.
(from Goodreads)
4 / 5 Stars

The Accident Season wasn't what I thought it would be but I don't think I'm disappointed by that.

I don't want to give too much away but I did have some assumptions and I wasn't quite right about any of them.

The story is fabulous though and I loved the characters.

Here's the thing -- The Accident Season is a very deep book. It's a book, to quote the dust jacket that "captures that time in our lives when our hearts crack open and the raw secrets of our true selves burst forth" -- yeah...can't say that has ever happened to me. Raw secrets and hearts cracking open? That's not really my style.

Even with all the feelings and really deep meanings behind a lot of things, The Accident Season isn't just a contemporary and even with the touch of strange and unknown, it isn't just a mystery. I think that's why it worked for me. Honestly, if raw, hearts cracking, feelings everywhere was all that it was, I would have passed it over in a heart beat cause...yeah...

Overall though, I was surprised and glad that I stuck with it.

I do have to say, don't let the synopsis fool you (like it did to me!). The Accident Season is pretty much 100% a contemporary story and if you're looking for something a little more, it may not be for you. What I did love though was that it's the type of book that isn't going to be the same thing for everyone.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Book Review: Dark Energy by Robison Wells

Genre: YA Sci-fi
Publication: March 2016 by HarperTeen
Acquisition: received an ARC at ALAMW 2016

We are not alone.

Five days ago, a massive UFO crashed in the Midwest. Since then, nothing—or no one—has come out.

They have arrived.

If it were up to Alice, she’d be watching all of this on the news from Miami, Florida. Instead, she’s the newest student at a boarding school not far from the crash site—because her dad is the director of special projects for NASA, and if anything is a special project, it’s this.

And there’s no going back.

A shell-shocked country is waiting, glued to televisions and computer screens, for a sign of what the new future holds. But when the aliens emerge, they’re nothing like what Alice expected. And only one thing is clear: Nothing will ever be the same again.
(from Goodreads)
5 / 5 Stars

Sci-fi young adult standalone?

What what?!

Oh yeah!

So much freaken love for Dark Energy.

The story is awesomely awesome.

When I think of aliens coming to earth I totally see it the way things went down in Dark Energy. No secret, long con infiltration. It's a crash landing.

No aliens today.
Aliens fall from the sky.
Crap - what now?

It's not neat and clean and there aren't nice little boxes you can draw around, well, anything. Not the reason for the aliens coming to earth, or the state of their ship, or what they really are, or where they come from, or what the people of earth will or can do now -- no boxes!

And speaking of that spaceship? The scenes where Alice and her friends help explore the interior (oh yeah, that happens) -- it's some of the best pages of sci-fi I've ever read. It's realistic and nothing is glossed over and OMG I wish it were actually a real thing and I could be there with her! (ok, maybe not, cause...well...reasons. But yeah, it's awesome).

I can't recommend Dark Energy enough. It's not long and it's not complicated but it's so full.

It's a book I think all types of readers could enjoy - reluctant, hard core sci-fi fans, YA fans, Non YA fans, people who like words in paragraph form -- yeah, pretty much everyone.

Seriously, even if sci-fi isn't your go-to read, I would give Dark Energy a try. At its core, it's a fabulous story by a fabulous author and you won't be disappointed.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday: A World Without You by Beth Revis

Waiting On Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine and focuses on books we are super excited about!

Today's Pick

A World Without You
Beth Revis

July 19th 2016 by Razorbill

Why I'm Excited
Not my usual cup of tea and Beth's books have been hit or miss with me over the years...but...there is something about this one. I'm pretty sure it's going to be a really heavy read and sometimes I need that. It might not be for me but I'm looking forward to finding out!

What are you waiting on today?

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Blog Tour / Shadow Magic by Joshua Khan Q&A and GIVEAWAY

Hey guys! Today I've got a middle grade treat for ya in the form of a little Q&A and Giveaway for Shadow Magic by Jashua Khan.

Hey, that rhymes...Q&A and Giveaway! Q&A and Giveaway! Q&A and Giveaway! -- can you see me doing a conga line all by my lonesome? No, well try harder!

Q&A and Giveaway! Q&A and Giveaway!

Ok, ok I'm done now ;)

On with the show!

Thorn, an outlaw's son, wasn't supposed to be a slave. He's been sold to Tyburn, an executioner, and they're headed to Castle Gloom in Gehenna, the land of undead, where Thorn will probably be fed to a vampire.

Lilith Shadow wasn't supposed to be ruler of Gehenna. But following the murder of her family, young Lily became the last surviving member of House Shadow, a long line of dark sorcerers. Her country is surrounded by enemies and the only way she can save it is by embracing her heritage and practicing the magic of the undead. But how can she when, as a girl, magic is forbidden to her?

Just when it looks like Lily will have to leave her home forever, Thorn arrives at Castle Gloom. A sudden death brings them together, inspires them to break the rules, and leads them to soar to new heights in this fantasy with all the sparkle and luster of a starry night sky.

About Joshua Khan

Born in Britain.
Lives in London.
Would rather live in a castle.
Writes fantasy.
Enjoys it.

Q&A With Joshua

1. What’s the twitter pitch for SHADOW MAGIC (sum the book up in 140 characters of less!)?
There was once a princess who loved the dark and all that dwelt within. She befriended a boy with bloody hands and secrets in his heart.

That’s 136 letters.

2. If you weren’t a writer, what would you be doing?
It’s Sunday, so I’d be getting ready for my job, which was as an engineer. It wasn’t the best job in the world, but I knew some good people and had some great adventures. It allowed me to travel a lot of the world, and that’s no bad thing.

3. What do you enjoy about writing for Middle Grade?
The challenge of fresh storytelling to an audience that, frankly, have the best authors in the business. If I think about it too much in freaks me out. There’s Rick Riordan, JK Rowling, Phillip Pullman, Tolkien and the rest. We will be reading Harry Potter a hundred years from now.
The mid-grade audience know when their being conned. They will no suffer through dull, preachy chapters where nothing happens on the off-chance it’ll pick up later. They will close the book and move on.

Plus, and this is crucial, it’s here you make readers. This is the age kids are searching for their favourite book, the genre or author that will create the joy of reading. People say they don’t like reading, that’s because they never found that book that would have opened up the world of literature when they had the chance. You make the fans of READING at this age. It’ll be the first book they read by themselves, it’ll be the one they look back on, years down the line, and still remember where they were, whether it was raining or shining or they were tucked in their beds the time they took that train to Hogwarts, or joined Galdalf or collected that Golden Ticket for Wonka’s factory.

I still remember where I was when I discovered hobbits. I’ve read it to my wife when she was giving our baby those 4am feeds, me sitting half in the dark bedroom and half in the lit corridor. That baby is now 15, and as keen a reader as you can hope. Sometimes I do wonder if she has subconscious echoes of Bilbo and his adventures, there in her earliest memories.

4. What do you have coming up next?
DREAM MAGIC, the sequel. It picks up three months later from SHADOW MAGIC, and the stakes have risen. Lily and Thorn are more established than they were, but now have greater responsibility. Lily’s ruler of Gehenna, but that means she is more alone than ever, people look to her for the answers. They see Lady Shadow, but forget she’s still just a thirteen-year-old girl. Thorn’s fame is spreading, he’s the master of Hades, the ancient, gigantic vampire bat, and utterly one of a kind.
So, can they measure up when the trolls come down for winter? When people start vanishing from the villages? When monsters start infesting their dreams...
That’s due out April 17. It will rock.

Thanks Joshua!


Tour Stops:
6/5: Lilybloombooks - Excerpt
6/6: Bookish Fangirl - Guest Post
6/7: Ticket to Anywhere - Q&A
6/8: Quite the Novel Idea - Guest Post
6/9: Red House Books - Q&A
6/10: Brittany's Book Rambles - Guest Post
6/11: Writing My Own Fairytale - Excerpt

Happy Reading everyone!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Waiting On Wednesday: This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab

Waiting On Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine and focuses on books we are super excited about!

Today's Pick

This Savage Song (Monsters of Verity #1)
by Victoria Schwab

July 5, 2016 by Greenwillow Books

Why I'm Excited
I've loved...all? Yeah, I'm going to go with ALL of Victoria's books and I've heard so many great things about This Savage Song. A young adult dark urban fantasy - my perfect cup of tea.
Seriously CAN NOT WAIT to read it!

What are you waiting on today?

Monday, June 6, 2016

Book Review: Reign of Shadows by Sophie Jordan

Book #1 of the Reign of Shadows series
Genre: YA Fantasy
Publication: February 2016 by Harper Teen
Acquisition: received an ARC at ALAMW 2016

Seventeen years ago, an eclipse cloaked the kingdom of Relhok in perpetual darkness. In the chaos, an evil chancellor murdered the king and queen and seized their throne. Luna, Relhok’s lost princess, has been hiding in a tower ever since. Luna’s survival depends on the world believing she is dead.

But that doesn’t stop Luna from wanting more. When she meets Fowler, a mysterious archer braving the woods outside her tower, Luna is drawn to him despite the risk. When the tower is attacked, Luna and Fowler escape together. But this world of darkness is more treacherous than Luna ever realized.

With every threat stacked against them, Luna and Fowler find solace in each other. But with secrets still unspoken between them, falling in love might be their most dangerous journey yet.

With lush writing and a star–crossed romance, Reign of Shadows is Sophie Jordan at her best.
(from Goodreads)
5 / 5 Stars

Lots of love for Reign of Shadows!

Starts out with a lot of mystery right off the bat. The eclipse, Luna's seclusion, the curse of the Black Woods - it's all shrouded in intrigue and it's all fabulous.

Everyone has secrets and it's this perfect combo of discovery and adventure that drives the story forward.

I pretty much couldn't put it down.

Luna is an awesome character. She is very sure of herself and very confident and I loved the fact that when she does waiver, it's realistically. At some many points she could have broken down and played the role of damsel needing rescue - but this doesn't happen.

Oh, and Fowler? Loved! He's very unique and you can tell his secrets are eating him up but even though he pushes his aloofness in your face, you can tell there is so much more going on in his head.

And that ending!

Cliffhanger light? Yeah, let's go with that.

Something is revealed and wow - I didn't see it coming!

Cannot wait for book 2! It's a wishlist must own!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Book Review: Symptoms of Being Human by Jeff Garvin

Genre: YA Contemporary Coming of Age
Publication: February 2016 by Balzer + Bray
Acquisition: received an ARC at ALA Midwinter 2016

The first thing you’re going to want to know about me is: Am I a boy, or am I a girl?

Riley Cavanaugh is many things: Punk rock. Snarky. Rebellious. And gender fluid. Some days Riley identifies as a boy, and others as a girl. The thing is…Riley isn’t exactly out yet. And between starting a new school and having a congressman father running for reelection in uber-conservative Orange County, the pressure—media and otherwise—is building up in Riley’s so-called “normal” life.

On the advice of a therapist, Riley starts an anonymous blog to vent those pent-up feelings and tell the truth of what it’s REALLY like to be a gender fluid teenager. But just as Riley’s starting to settle in at school—even developing feelings for a mysterious outcast—the blog goes viral, and an unnamed commenter discovers Riley’s real identity, threatening exposure. Riley must make a choice: walk away from what the blog has created—a lifeline, new friends, a cause to believe in—or stand up, come out, and risk everything.
(from Goodreads)
4 / 5 Stars

So very good. On so many levels.

I love the way Riley is portrayed. "Am I a boy, or am I girl?" It's the question a lot of people in Riley's life ask and it's a question, I found myself asking as well. Not because it matters but more because in my misguided way, I thought I needed to know in order to understand.

I was wrong because by the end of Symptoms of Being Human Riley's gender didn't play any part in my understanding at all.

This is a powerful book and one I hope a lot of people get their hands on and devour.

For me, it was a fantastic look into the life of a gender fluid teen. A teen who has questions and is afraid, just like so many of us.

If anything, it was maybe a little too full of information? I think the story and the plot might have suffered a little because of all the information that needed to be shared.


I don't think that's a bad thing.

If you're curious about what being gender fluid means or if you have someone if your life that is gender fluid and you're looking for some insight into what they might be or have gone through, I think Symptoms of Being Human is a great book to pick up.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

May 2016 Wrap Up: The Plan All the Things Edition

Hello hello!

Happy June!

I'm so very much looking forward to sweating out of places the chilling embrace of winter helped me forget existed!
Summer is the bestest thing ever!!


Whelp! Let's lookie loo and see what I was up to May - shall we?

May was...Mayish? I don't know - I wasn't really paying attention cause I was too busy making plans.

What plans? ALL THE PLANS!

Like seriously, my organizational skills were killer in May. I wrote shit down. I got shit done. I only forgot a very small pile of shit but it was gross and it's ok, we don't have to talk about it.

With all that planning going on, it's a wonder I was able to get any blogging done! I must be the most perfectest blogger ever! #evenmoresarcasm

You guys still there?

Ok, good cause it's book time baby! What was I up to last month?

A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab | REVIEW 5/5 Stars
Shallow Graves by Kali Wallace | REVIEW 5/5 Stars
The Mystery of Hollow Places by Rebecca Podos | REVIEW 3/5 Stars
Harmony House by Nic Sheff | REVIEW 2/5 Stars
Half Bad by Sally Green | REVIEW 5/5 Stars
Into the Dim by Janet B. Taylor | REVIEW 3/5 Stars

You Were Here by Cori Mccarthy
Gena / Finn by Hannah Moskowitz and Kat Helgeson
Heir to the Sky by Amanda Sun
And I Darken by Kiersten White

Hope everyone had a great May! #notsarcasm
Happy Reading!